Meaning accountable officer
What does accountable officer mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word accountable officer. You can also add a definition of accountable officer yourself


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accountable officer

An officer accountable to the Parliament for the actions, including the accounts and audit, of a particular public body, under the Public Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 2000, based on the report of the Financial Issues Advisory Group. For example, the Clerk is the principal accountable officer for the parliamentary corporation.
Source: (offline)


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accountable officer

the head of any given department, or, for a public body, the Chief Executive Officer (whatever their title) of that body.


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accountable officer

Managing Directors in the case of TAFEWA colleges and other VET institutions, and the Chief Executive (or equivalent) in the case of other Registered Training Organisations with whom the Department has a contract for the delivery of training services. Acquittal Is the process the Department of Education undertakes, in conjunction with a grant recip [..]
Source: (offline)


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accountable officer

The chief executive of a department of government declared under the Public Service Act 2008, section 14(1), is the accountable officer of the department (Financial Accountability Act 2009, section 65 [..]

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